Thursday, March 19, 2015

SOL 20th

About a year ago, my grandpa took me and my sister on a behind-the-scenes tour of the San Francisco Zoo (he has a friend who works there and got us in for free). I, predictably, wanted to go see the lemurs first. I looked into the giant area filled with ring-tailed lemurs. Something didn't seem right. One of the lemurs... was pink! I showed my sister and my grandpa the pink lemur. My grandpa thought we should tell someone who worked at the park about the pink lemur. We asked a worker about it, and she pointed out the pink light above the lemur that was making its fur look pink! I personally would have liked it better if the lemur were really pink.


  1. I wish it was an actual pink lemur. That would be amazing. Have you heard of Zoboomafoo? He was a funny ring tailed lemur, that I was on TV when I was little.

  2. I really like how you shared this small moment with great explanation! Nice slice :)

  3. Lemurs are........ AMAZING!!!!

  4. That sounds fun. You wrote the slice of life really well too!

  5. Haha! I would have liked it if the lemur was pink too :) I like how you explained why the lemur was pink with disappointment. :)
