Friday, January 9, 2015

The List

     I started and finished The List, by Siobhan Vivian in about three days. It's a really good book.

     Every year, the Monday before the homecoming dance at Mount Washington High, a list appears. The list is all over the building. It tells who the prettiest and ugliest girls are in each class. The prettiest girls always get swooned over, and the ugly ones are made fun of. No one knows who started the tradition, and who the duty of writing the list gets passed on to every year. The prettiest girls this year are Abby, Lauren, Bridget, and Margo. The ugliest are Danielle (as the list states: "also known as Dan the Man"), Candace, Sarah, and Jennifer. 
     They all react differently to the list. Sarah threatens to ruin homecoming. Home-schooled Lauren makes new friends. Jennifer and Margo have to confront each other for the facts about why their friendship ended. Candace, who got put on the list because of her ugly personality instead of looks, loses all of her friends to Lauren. Bridget starves herself. Danielle and her boyfriend see each other differently. 
     I do recommend this book. :)

TBR: Pretty Little Liars
          The second half of Mockingjay which I never finished


  1. Sounds like a good book, I might check it out.. Is it more for younger audiences?

  2. It is definitely not for younger audiences, it's for young adult. I forgot to mention that.
