Free verse

The ninjas are there for a while.
They sit. They wait.
And like the ninjas they are,
They disappear.

New ones take their place.
The ninjas grow. 
They get strong.
They destroy themselves with scissors.
And they vanish again,
Leaving only whiteness.

More ninjas, more than ever.
They are back!
They bring ninja stars.
They push each other into space.
And their kind is erased.

They return once again.
They dance with triangle things.
They climb up lines.
But as soon as they appear,
They fade away to time.

They are there for a while.
But then they are gone.


  1. Don't forget the freakish triangle-headed man!

  2. Ha! I get it! Great poem, I like how you made all the ninjas come and fate.

  3. sloan did read it she thought it was awesome
